Academic activity



  • Jul 2024: New paper on “Tail calibration of probabilistic forecasts” on ArXiv
  • Jun 2024: Plenary talk at IMSC’15 in Toulouse, France. Thanks for the invite!
  • Jun 2024: Our whitepaper “How to use the power of AI to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland” is now available online
  • Apr 2024: My collaborators Benjamin Poschlod, Sam Allen and Carmen Steinmann will be presenting at EGU!
  • Apr 2024: Research visit at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics ISM, Tokyo
  • Mar 2024: Our paper on “Convection-permitting climate models can support observations to generate rainfall return levels” has been accepted in Water Resources Research
  • Feb 2024: Invited talk at Causality in Extremes in Geneva, Switzerland
  • Jan 2024: New paper submitted in Dec’2023 on “Using spatial extreme-value theory with machine learning to model and understand spatially compounding extremes”, now on ArXiv
  • Jan 2024: Particpation in the U.S. Government Accountability Office expert meeting on “AI in Natural Hazard Modeling: Severe Storms, Hurricanes, Floods, and Wildfires (GAO-24-106213)”. Report publicly available here


  • Dec 2023: New paper on “Extreme-value modelling of migratory bird arrival dates: Insights from citizen science data” on ArXiv
  • Nov 2023: New discussion on “Next-Generation Earth System Models: Towards Reliable Hybrid Models for Weather and Climate Applications” on ArXiv
  • Jun 2023: Talk at EVA’23 in Milan, Italy
  • May 2023: IMAG Workshop at the Institute of Mathematics in the University of Granada, Spain
  • Apr 2023: Seminar talk at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
  • Apr 2023: Talk at the YoungStatS webinar
  • Apr 2023: Talk at VALPRED 4 in Aussois, France
  • Mar 2023: Lecture and practicals on “Crossing the bridge from univariate to multivariate extremes”, for MSc students part of the ATHENS network at École des Mines de Paris, France


  • Oct 2022: My paper on “Gradient boosting with extreme-value theory for wildfire prediction” has been accepted in Extremes
  • Oct 2022: Our paper on “On the temporal clustering of European extreme precipitation events and its relationship to persistent and transient large-scale atmospheric drivers” has been accepted in Weather and Climate Extremes
  • Oct 2022: Seminar talk at INRAe, Avignon, France
  • Sep 2022: I will lecture a new course 477874-HS2022-0: Statistical modelling of extremes at the University of Bern in Fall 2022
  • Sep 2022: Talk at the DAMOCLES Compound Events Final Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
  • Aug 2022: Talk at the Joint Statistical Meeting in Washington, D.C., United States. Grant amount: CHF1’500
  • Jul 2022: Research visit at the Department of Statistics, Colorado State University
  • Jul 2022: Research visit (STSM) at L’unité de Biostatistique et processus SPatiaux (BioSP), INRAe, Avignon, France. Grant amount: €1’575
  • May 2022: Our paper on “Spatiotemporal wildfire modeling through point processes with moderate and extreme marks” (with F. Pimont, J.-L. Dupuy and T. Opitz) has been accepted in the Annals of Applied Statistics
  • Feb 2022: Seminar talk at the RCS Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Feb 2022: I have started a post-doctoral researcher position at the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, working in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (IMSV), working with Prof. Johanna Ziegel and Prof. Olivia Martius
  • Jan 2022: New paper on “Space-time extremes of severe US thunderstorm environments” on ArXiv